Rolls-Royce Phantom Coupe (2012) 6.7 V12 Automatic (460 hp, petrol, 2012) - Technical data, specifications, characteristics

coupe (fixed-head coupé), 2 doors, 4 seats, dimensions: 5612.00 mm x 1987.00 mm x 1598.00 mm, weight: 2580 kg, engine displacement: 6749 cc, 12 cylinders, 4 valves per cylinder, max power: 460 hp @ 5350 rpm, max torque: 720 Nm @ 3500 rpm, acceleration (0-100): 5.80 s, max speed: 250 km/h, gears (manual/automatic): - / 8, fuel type: petrol, fuel consumption (urban/extra urban/combined): 22.8 l / 10.2 l / 14.8 l, rims: 8J X 21, 9.5J X 21, tyres: 255/50 R21, 285/45 R21
Fuel consumption - urbanFuel consumption - extra urbanFuel consumption - combinedWrite a review
Technical dataPowerTorqueAccelerationSpeedWeightDimensions

Manufacturer, series, model, years of production

Basic information about the manufacturer, series and model of the vehicle. First and last years of production.

ModelCoupe (2012) 6.7 V12 Automatic
First year of production2012
Last year of production2016

Body type, dimensions, volumes, weight

Information about the body style of the vehicle, overall dimensions, weight, boot space and fuel tank capacity.

Body typecoupe (fixed-head coupé)
Number of doors2 (two)
Number of seats4 (four)
Wheelbase3320.00 mm (millimeters)
10.89 ft (feet)
130.71 in (inches)
3.3200 m (meters)
Front track1686.00 mm (millimeters)
5.53 ft (feet)
66.38 in (inches)
1.6860 m (meters)
Rear track1676.00 mm (millimeters)
5.50 ft (feet)
65.98 in (inches)
1.6760 m (meters)
Length5612.00 mm (millimeters)
18.41 ft (feet)
220.94 in (inches)
5.6120 m (meters)
Width1987.00 mm (millimeters)
6.52 ft (feet)
78.23 in (inches)
1.9870 m (meters)
Height1598.00 mm (millimeters)
5.24 ft (feet)
62.91 in (inches)
1.5980 m (meters)
Minimum trunk/boot space capacity395.0 l (liters)
13.95 ft3 (cubic feet)
0.40 m3 (cubic meters)
395000.00 cc (cubic centimeters)
Maximum trunk/boot space capacity-
Curb weight2580 kg (kilograms)
5687.93 lbs (pounds)
Maximum weight3050 kg (kilograms)
6724.10 lbs (pounds)
Capacity of the fuel tank100.0 l (liters)
22.00 UK gal (UK gallons)
26.42 US gal (US gallons)


Technical data about the vehicle's engine - location, displacement, aspiration, cylinders, valves, compression, fuel, etc.

Type of fuelpetrol
Engine modelN73B68A
Engine locationlongitudinal, front
Engine displacement6749 cc (cubic centimeters)
Valve mechanism type-
Type of aspirationnaturally aspirated
Compression ratio-
Arrangement of the cylindersV engine
Number of cylinders-
Valves per cylinder4 (four)
Bore (the diameter of a cylinder)92.00 mm (millimeters)
0.30 ft (feet)
3.62 in (inches)
0.0920 m (meters)
Stroke (the length of a piston stroke)84.60 mm (millimeters)
0.28 ft (feet)
3.33 in (inches)
0.0846 m (meters)

Power, torque, acceleration, speed

Information about the maximum power, torque, speed and the revolutions per minute, at which they are reached. Acceleration time from 0 to 100 km.

Maximum power460 hp (horse power)
343.0 kW (kilowatts)
466.4 ps (metric horsepower)
Maximum power is generated at5350 rpm (revolutions per minute)
Maximum torque720 Nm (newton meters)
73.4 kgm (kilogram meters)
531.0 ft-lb (foot-pounds)
Maximum torque is reached at3500 rpm (revolutions per minute)
Acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h5.80 s (seconds)
Maximum speed250 km/h (kilometers per hour)
155.34 mph (miles per hour)

Fuel consumption

Information about the fuel consumption (urban, extra-urban, combined).

Fuel consumption (urban)22.8 l/100km (liters per 100 kilometers)
5.02 UK gal/100km (UK gallons per 100 kilometers)
6.02 US gal/100km (US gallons per 100 kilometers)
10.32 mpg (miles per gallon)
2.73 mpl (miles per liter)
4.39 km/l (kilometers per liter)
Fuel consumption (extra urban)10.2 l/100km (liters per 100 kilometers)
2.24 UK gal/100km (UK gallons per 100 kilometers)
2.69 US gal/100km (US gallons per 100 kilometers)
23.06 mpg (miles per gallon)
6.09 mpl (miles per liter)
9.80 km/l (kilometers per liter)
Fuel consumption (combined)14.8 l/100km (liters per 100 kilometers)
3.26 UK gal/100km (UK gallons per 100 kilometers)
3.91 US gal/100km (US gallons per 100 kilometers)
15.89 mpg (miles per gallon)
4.20 mpl (miles per liter)
6.76 km/l (kilometers per liter)
CO2 emissions347 g/km (grammes per kilometer)

Transmission, drive type

Information about the transmission (automatic and/or manual), number of gears/speeds and type of drive.

Type of transmissionautomatic
Number of automatic gears8 (eight)
Drive typerear wheel drive (RWD)


Technical specifications about the type of steering and the vehicle's turning circle (turning diameter).

Type of steeringrack and pinion
Type of power steeringelectric
Turning circle diameter13.10 m (meters)
42.98 ft (feet)
515.75 in (inches)


Information about the front and rear suspension of the vehicle.

Type of front suspension-
Type of rear suspension-


Type of brakes used on the front and rear wheels as well as presence of an ABS (anti-lock braking system).

Type of front brakesventilated discs
Type of rear brakesventilated discs
ABS (anti-lock braking system)Yes


Type and size of the rims and tyres of the vehicle.

Rim size8J X 21, 9.5J X 21
Tyre code255/50 R21, 285/45 R21

Compared to average values

The difference in percent between the values of some of the vehicle's characteristics and their average values.

Wheelbase+ 24%
Front track+ 12%
Rear track+ 11%
Length+ 25%
Width+ 12%
Height+ 7%
Minimum trunk/boot space capacity- 12%
Curb weight+ 81%
Maximum weight+ 56%
Capacity of the fuel tank+ 62%
Engine displacement+ 200%
Maximum power+ 190%
Maximum torque+ 171%
Acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h- 43%
Maximum speed+ 24%
Fuel consumption (urban)+ 126%
Fuel consumption (extra urban)+ 65%
Fuel consumption (combined)+ 100%